Sims 2 screenshots

For some reason they’re not as good as the ones I took back in the old Sims 1 days, but here’s some of my screenshots.
By the way, the game is really fun – it’s a huge step up from Sims 1. The only thing I don’t like is how few objects we have… and no custom things to download yet. I’m bored of all the stuff I have.

A strange glitch I ran into – after (teenage) Lupin got in the hot tub, he permanently had a spray of water coming out of his arm. It fixed after I turned the game off and restarted, but I found it rather amusing!

Watch out James!

Lupin, you’re getting your homework all wet!

Harry takes a nap on the Dursleys’ couch.

Dumbledore organizes a ‘Daydreaming’ class.

Luke, Leia, Han and Obi-Wan got a house on Tattooine.

Luke does his jedi training…

After Obi Wan died (of old age) Leia was very, very distraught.

Han passes out in the desert!!

Obi-Wan takes a nap.

Luke and Han take a break in the desert, and both ponder pianos.

In my SunDowner house…

Miles and Piper both got into private school. It was a big deal for Miles, not so much for Piper.

Piper acts like a monkey out in the garden.

AHH! Phis, put some clothes on!!
(Phis, btw, got Ocha pregnant and then left her. Bastard.)

Miles attempted to fix the TV.

Miles brought home an A+ report card!! Madison and Britan are too busy swimming to care.

Piper and Miles jump on the couch. SO mature.

Its a birthday party! For who, I can’t remember.

Typical – Ocha eats breakfast all by herself.


This lady was just walking around the neighborhood.

Good job taking care of the baby, guys.